Event Marketer Honors Courtney Hsu in "Experiential in Color" Program

Sparks Marketing
Courtney Hsu Experiential Marketing in Color Award

Congratulations are in order for Courtney Hsu, Event Operations Manager at Sparks, for being an honoree in Event Marketer’s second annual “Experiential in Color” program—an initiative that recognizes the talents and contributions of Black, Brown, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander employees in the events industry. Courtney joins an illustrious group of 15 other standout honorees from a range of companies representing both the brand and agency sides of the business.

In an article about the program, Event Marketer notes that it’s not enough to just incorporate diversity into hiring practices. It’s critical to take the next step and to foster a culture that welcomes and celebrates diversity across the board. The theme for this year’s program was “belonging,” which speaks to that next step of intentionally creating a company culture that recognizes the value of a diverse workplace. This includes everything from allowing employees to bring their whole selves to work to creating environments that respect and reward diverse perspectives and the richness they bring.

For Courtney, a diverse work environment encompasses many things. “I appreciate that Sparks embraces diversity on many levels,” she observes. “In my opinion, diversity extends beyond skin color to describe a culture that accepts and respects people from very different backgrounds who bring unique perspectives to the table. Embracing who you are and everything that came before is the core theme for our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion employee resource group. My fellow Sparkies continue to challenge and amaze me every day.”

I appreciate that Sparks embraces diversity on many levels. In my opinion, diversity extends beyond skin color to describe a culture that accepts and respects people from very different backgrounds who bring unique perspectives to the table. Embracing who you are and everything that came before is the core theme for our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion employee resource group. My fellow Sparkies continue to challenge and amaze me every day.