Meet The Sparklers: Our Employee-Led, Self-Named LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group

Sparks Marketing
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At Sparks, Pride goes beyond the month of June. It’s a year-round initiative led by an amazing group of people, self-named The Sparklers. This employee-led resource group (ERG) provides our LGBTQIA+ community at Sparks with an open forum to discuss and address employee/community concerns, support, and growth.

The Sparklers include voices from a range of employees across our offices, including LGBTQIA+ identifying employees as well as allies. The Sparklers add significant value to our corporate culture, and are an integral part of our ongoing efforts to elevate all voices, regardless of race, gender, race, religion, culture, ideology, economic status, disability, and/or sexual orientation.

To educate and advocate for a more visible LGBTQIA+ experience, the Sparklers are continuously looking into initiatives that help our LGBTQIA+ employees, as well as communities in each of their local areas across the country. This ranges from answering employee questions specific to LGBTQIA+ specific experiences, participating in Pride events, as well internal and/or public-facing awareness and fundraising campaigns.

We thank The Sparklers for all they do to make Sparks an even better place to work. For providing support, being a resource to ask questions, advancing our education, holding us accountable, and giving our LGTBQIA+ employees a platform to make their voices heard and come together collectively.

In the following Q&A, our own Jake Morton, founding member of The Sparklers, and Creative Program Manager in our Los Angeles office, shares his perspectives on The Sparklers and more. Check it out below:

What do you want people to know about the Sparklers and their mission?
We are here to make Sparks a more awesome place to work through humanizing the LGBTQIA+ experience, enhancing understanding, being a resource, promoting belonging, and increasing inclusivity for all Sparkies.

What is the most rewarding part of being a Sparkler?
The most rewarding part of being a Sparkler is hearing the difference this group makes on Sparkies who feel they are able to be themselves at work.

Why do you think it’s important to have an ERG like the Sparklers within an organization?
The Sparklers increase visibility and help build a more diverse workplace, which makes us a stronger company.

What do you most hope to achieve with the Sparklers?
My hope is with the Sparklers, that no LGBTQIA+ Sparkie will be afraid to come out at work while making Sparks a more equitable workplace.

What message would you like to share this Pride month?
This Pride month, we want to acknowledge the work of all of our POC sisters and brothers whose shoulders we stand upon.

About Our Employee Resource Groups
Our employee-led ERG programs have many purposes but mainly, they build a sense of community and belonging for employees by connecting people in a social and professional way while encouraging meaningful interaction. They empower employees by giving them an open forum for discussion and a collective voice to speak with leadership to address concerns, employee/community needs and policies, and solve problems. Participation also contributes to a strong sense of “one family” at Sparks and enables team members to be themselves to reach their full potential. Through these programs, we hope to continue the process of listening and learning, providing a forum for inclusion and accountability.